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在许多反应流系统中,已知或假定热化学状态空间与低维歧管(LDM)相近。可以使用各种方法来获取这些歧管,并随后表达具有更少参数化变量的原始高维空间。主成分分析(PCA)是可用于获得LDM的维度降低方法之一。 PCA没有对参数化变量做出事先假设,并从训练数据中凭经验检索它们。在本文中,我们表明将PCA应用于局部数据簇(本地PCA)能够检测热化学状态空间的内在参数化。我们首先证明,使用三种不同复杂性的共同燃烧模型:Burke-Schumann模型,化学平衡模型和均匀反应器。这些模型的参数化已知先验,可以通过本地PCA方法进行基准测试。我们进一步将本地PCA的应用扩展到更具挑战性的案例,即湍流的非原型$ n $ heptane/air喷气火焰,该燃料不再显而易见。我们的结果表明,对于更复杂的数据集也可以获得有意义的参数化。我们表明,局部PCA找到可以链接到局部化学计量,反应进度和烟灰形成过程的变量。
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Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis is a dominant research area with potential applications in social media analytics, business, finance, and health. Prior works in this area are primarily based on supervised methods, with a few techniques using weak supervision limited to predicting a single aspect category per review sentence. In this paper, we present an extremely weakly supervised multi-label Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis framework which does not use any labelled data. We only rely on a single word per class as an initial indicative information. We further propose an automatic word selection technique to choose these seed categories and sentiment words. We explore unsupervised language model post-training to improve the overall performance, and propose a multi-label generator model to generate multiple aspect category-sentiment pairs per review sentence. Experiments conducted on four benchmark datasets showcase our method to outperform other weakly supervised baselines by a significant margin.
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